You don’t just want a good video marketing plan but a great one. Having a marketing plan that focusses on results. One that generates new business, because hey that’s what it’s all about right. Yes there is a difference! An effective marketing blueprint should consistently prioritise accentuating your brand’s strengths and presenting it in the most compelling manner. In a way that keeps your viewers interested, engaged and asking for more.

One that gets your customers feeling a sigh of relief from the moment they engage with you that leaves them coming back time and time again. And why would they do that? Because you put a smile on their face of course and they know that working with you is smooth sailing all around. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a product or service that is on offer, making sure that having a well-crafted video is part of that marketing plan and that getting your message across to the right people is at the forefront of priorities.

Starting with Social Channels

We know it can truly feel overwhelming with not only getting your video project underway but with so many different channels on offer, it makes it difficult at times to know where to focus on or what could work. However, that’s why ensuring you have a stunner of a strategy in place is a great place to start. Here we will go into 9 useful tips to harness for your next video project. Focus on your key audiences. Try to think about which demographics use your products or services. Identify where those engagement activities or reach points have come from to date. Who are those audiences, why do they purchase your product or service and how can you not only get your key messages to them but in what way, at what time and how often.

1. Define your purpose

Having clearly defined goals are paramount for starting off in the right direction as well. You should decide what the aim of your video is. Whether that is to increase brand awareness, get a nice boost to your product sales, or ultimately drive engagement and traffic to your website, setting clear objectives gives you a leading edge. Making these decisions from the very beginning means that you can set your content creation off to a great start. This in turn will also ultimately drive your marketing strategy and create happy customers in the long run.

2. Know your audience

Without knowing your target audience it is hard to come up with an effective video. You want to cater to your desired audience by truly finding what resonates with them. The things to take into account are key demographics, preferences, buyer interactivities and behaviours. Always remember that you want to always be creating content that addresses their needs and interests because ultimately that is what gets eyeballs over great content.

3. Create high-quality content

Speaking of great content. Make sure that your content is not only easily digestible, but it is well received and also memorable. Having a video that resonates with people is what leaves them coming back for more. A voice that is uniquely yours and gives the viewers exactly what they are after. Whether that is to entertain, to inform, or to educate.

4. Tell a compelling story

Successful marketers know that story telling is truly what sells. Creating content that leaves a memorable and lasting impression means your viewers will come back time and time again to purchase your products or utilise your services. Content is king, Or rather video content is king. Yes we are kind of biased. Having the right eyeballs over the right media content means having a better return for your investment as well. It leaves viewers satisfied, engaged and puts your brand in a positive light.

5. The right formatting – repackage, repurpose

Cross platform promotion (we call it CPP) is when you take your existing video content and utilise the same media except you re-orient and re-home or re-purpose this content that you already have to engage new audiences, reach the same audience again or get an increase to exposure. What does this mean for you as a brand? A wider reach, a wider audience and exponential growth in reaching your desired people. From creating educational videos used to inform viewers or highlight a new product just make sure you are maximising your video content reach.

6. Include a Strong Call to Action (CTA)

Like most things having a clearly defined goal is paramount for starting off in the right direction. You should decide what the aim of the video is. Whether that is to increase brand awareness, get a nice boost to your product sales, or ultimately drive engagement and traffic to your website, setting clear objectives gives you a leading edge. Making these decisions from the very beginning means that you can set your content creation off to a great start which in turn will also drive home your marketing strategy and ultimately happy customers and video marketing success.

7. SEO for Video

Data informed decision making, works wonders for your marketing videos and video marketing success. SEO is short for search engine optimisation and having great key words doesn’t only apply to articles it applies to your videos too. It’s a little bit like finding your way with a map. If the map is labelled wrong it only leads to frustrated users. Frustrated users is always a no-go so that’s why its imperative you have users coming to your content to solve their problems. Make sure your key words are applicable when not only labelling your video but also your descriptions and also where the video content can be found.

8. Eyes on the right digital content

The right eyeballs over the right media means better return for your investment. Remember that relevance is key here and make sure that you are focussing on a user centric approach. Remember the videos aren’t necessarily about what you think will look best. It really comes down to what the audience wants to see. What problem are you solving of theirs?

9. Track and Analyse Performance

Follow up and track success. If you can’t track your performance you can’t measure its success. If you can’t track its success then you can’t scale and can’t grow. So spending a bit of time after your campaign has aired into the world means you have a way point for success. It gives you a bearing to work from. By starting to create content it gives you a place to work from. Without this, you are literally navigating blind. So the key steps are to set a way point. Track the first video content you create. Look at the reach across multiple platforms and reassess where you are at.

Looking to get started and achieve video marketing success today? you can contact us here.

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